Thursday, May 6, 2010

Visual Combo 1

This one's kinda weird, but see if you can follow.
1. Where are we planning on printing these?
2. Should we start to narrow choices down? I have an exam from 1-3:50, so I'm going to be pretty much absent during that time...

Truth/Insight Ad3

I don't really want to use this one.... I just ran out of ideas.
Hey, I've got three visual combo ads left,
I'm gonna catch some sleep now.
I'll get up early and post the rest then.
Work's looking good guys.
Can this be turned in digitally?
By 4pm correct?

Truth/Insight Ad2

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Top Ten Ads x2

Silly copy

Like the image, silly copy but whatcha gonna do?

Changed the tagline, Credit to bear for thinkin it up

Second Bitch fire I capitalized all the letters.

Oh Hi Work

Truth/Insight Ad1


So basically I had Molly ask her dad for charcoal jokes, because he's a really punny sort of person. And most of these came from him, but not all of them. I am going to reword them to make them sound headliney & and I'm gonna add on when I find some form of creativity left in my body, but this is just me updating with progress, cause it helps me get shit done.

Diamond in the rough – charcoal

Charcoal drawings – want to come up and see my etchings?

Charcoal grey suit

Frosty the snowman – charcoal eyes

“Baby, it’s coal outside.”

Non-volcanic charcoal - because you want just the right amount of ash.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out and grill.

…my brown-eyed grill…

450 degrees of separation…

i'm not pro-pane, i'm con-pane

nobody likes propane

there's a reason santa doesn't put propane in your stocking.

Top Ten

Okay so I got all three headlines for the top ten list that I'm using for ads, and I'm almost done with the truth/insight list: here's the three headlines for the top ten:

1. Real men play with fire.

The visual for this will be a checkerboard with the red pieces lit coals and the black pieces unlit coals. And possibly (depending on the image i find) have two men playing the game.

2. So easy, a caveman did it.

No it is not original, but Piete will get a kick out of it and therefore success. The visual would be a caveman or something with a fire.

3. Charcoal tastes better.

A man. Eating charcoal. mmmmm. Yummy.

180 Number Trés

Lemme know what you think.
Have we decided on a "tagline" for above the logo?


180 Number Duo

It issss a 180, just not straight to the rules
Open to feedback

180 Number Uno

Hey guys I need help with the copy for this one... I think I've included the "general idea"... but I can't find the right words....
See if you can think of anything
Ask if you have questions

Creative Benefit


I really just made this to remember an idea I had, but let me know if you think it's good for anything

Creative Process Document

This is what I got so far, but obviously there will be more added before we are all done.

Creative Process Document:


We are attempting to sell Charcoal to primarily middle-aged men; but also families and anyone who loves grilling. This includes college students, young adults, and older people; mostly male.

The barriers that generally stop people from grilling with charcoal is that Propane is generally more convenient. Propane grills can heat up in 2-3 minutes while charcoal grills take 20 minutes minimum to heat to cooking temperature.

Propane is also less messy. Coals will get you dirty and also cleaning a charcoal grill is much more work than cleaning a gas grill.


The fat from meats melt off and hit charcoal that is beneath it, creating smoke which flavors the meat in a way that propane does not.

Charcoal is much easier to manually alter the temperature of different sections of the grill. By bunching coals up on one side, the griller can either make a section hotter or cooler depending on what he/she is cooking.

Charcoal is more of an experience. In regards to the mainly male audience it is more manly to get down and dirty with charcoal and throwing a match on some lighter fluid, than to turn a knob and have the grill work like a stove.

Charcoal is cheaper. This is a major factor as to why charcoal is better but also an obvious one that may not have a place in ad campaigns for charcoal.

Creative Concepts:

Top Ten Reasons:
Top ten reasons to grill with charcoal and not Propane
Top ten reasons why propane sucks


Visual Demonstrations:

Visual 180:

Visual Combinations:

Creative Benefits:

Top Ten List

Basically I turned off my brain filter for a while and just started throwing things on a list. By the time I'm done I plan on having 30 or 40 items on the top ten list which I will cut down to ten. Here it is:

Top Ten Reasons to Grill with Charcoal over Propane
1. Charcoal is cheaper.
2. Men play with fire.
3. Electronic starters are for pussies.
4. If you’re going to use gas to cook your food, why not just do it in the kitchen?
5. Charcoal allows you to manually control temperature anywhere on the grill.
6. It’s smokey. (flavor… or also that fact that it is actually smokey)
7. Nothing says I am a man like cooking for your family on a fire that you build yourself
8. Charcoal is more natural.
9. Propane can only get so hot. Charcoal can melt your face off.
10. Charcoal doesn’t explode under pressure.
11. Charcoal grills are easier to maintain.
12. Tanks filled with compressed gas are dangerous.
13. Charcoal is manly.
14. Propane is like taking your kitchen stove outside.
15. Propane is for women. lol
16. So easy a caveman can do it (they did)
17. Grilling with charcoal is fun
18. Grilling with charcoal is a family/American tradition.
19. Charcoal gets very hot
20. Charcoal grills are much more lightweight and portable.

This is obviously a primitive list, but I plan on getting the top ten list finished by about 10 pm tonight as well as all three ad ideas, the photoshopping is going to be the LAST thing I do. From there I'll look at what still needs to be done and tackle that.

Idea: I want to take two men playing checkers and turn the pieces into coals, unlit for black, and lit for red. The tagline would say: Real Men Play with Fire. And then throw the Basques logo on it.

Another Idea: A picture of the Burning Man from the art festival thing, but photoshop some coals under it. Thoughts?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Just to set up a common space, I've made this so that we can post our ads and get quick feedback over the course of the next several days.

Because this project is due so soon, please make an effort to actually use this blog as a tool for critique because I know we all have heavy schedules and it's going to be difficult to find times when we can all meet up.

As far as I know, I'm doing visual combo and visual 180 (am I doing creative benefit??) and we're each doing 3 ads for each correct?

Thanks guys, let's go for the A!